As long as there are rainbows there is hope of a pot of gold at the end. It’s very difficult to think of happier times just at the moment but we must. For the sake of children who must be finding it difficult to cope with the uncertainty of their little and not so little lives, being separated from their friends, missing the security of the classroom and parents and family members under strain. It also seems bazaar to walk into shops and supermarkets to see so many people completely disregarding the rules – wearing a mask, keeping your distance and sanitising your hands when you’re away from the kitchen sink and hot water. Surely it’s the easiest thing in the world to accept these disciplines. Masks are very colourful and attractive, sexy too to gaze over the top into someones eyes! Used to be the language of the fan, flirting and fluttering and a masked ball was a very amorous affair. Maybe that’s stretching it a bit but please, just bite the bullet and be safe and offer safety to others.

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Thousand were waiting for Strictly Come Dancing last night. So much false giggling and yelling and the introductions went on for ever but the colour and the music were welcome in a time if stress. Can’t you just imagine them all living in a hotel together – what happens in Strictly stays in Strictly – at the moment. Be prepared for the behind the scenes stories. I’m not a fan but it is a diversion and my money is on this girl from EastEnders.

Questions Answered

When I hear the word coronavirus I think of the word maelstrom.  It fits, violent turmoil, great confusion, destruction and  social disorder.  Ring a bell?

Some of the most confusing things are probably the simplest but who has the answers to our every day questions?  For instance if you wear a mask to nip out to get some milk can you use it again later in the day when you return for butter?  If a friend hugs you can you rush home and take a paracetamol just in case of infection?

Chris Shaw is a retired professor from the School of Pharmacy at Queen’s University and a former researcher on anti-microbial drugs and he’s of the opinion that the Government response to the pandemic is disproportionate when it comes to lockdown.  

“The Swedish model has often been quoted where it has been explained to the population that wearing masks, gloves, sanitisation and social distancing are vital  measures but still to go about daily business and social life, no lock down and schools remaining open.”   Report from Stockholm:  At the moment Sweden looks to have best weathered the pandemic storm…. now reporting the lowest death rate of any European country.   Express 4th October 2020. 

This is the result of population compliance with the rules.

Professor Chris Shaw

Professor Shaw Explains 

“Every pandemic brings new challenges; the last was 100 years ago so no specialist  is alive today to consult about the effects.  In fact the current virus has no precedent that we know of.“   He adds don’t blame the Prime Minister for any confusion, the information comes from men on either side of him, the chief scientific advisor and the chief medical officer. 

I put some questions to Chris Shaw.

Is it all right to leave a mask in the car or in your bag to use a second time a few hours later?

“Once you wear a mask even for a short time take every opportunity to wash it.  Even within a short time bacteria will grow inside the mask and you will be breathing it in.  A few hours should be all right but not days.”

If I never leave the house and have my food delivered will I escape the virus?

“100% protection is not possible unless you wear one of those big white boiler suits  and helmets seen when men are searching for traces of a nerve agent or Ebola virus. The more you stay isolated the less chance you have but for your mental health don’t loose touch with friends and family.”

 How long does the virus live?  

“No answer to this because it depends on so many things, the surface, the temperature, general conditions.  Just keep washing down all surfaces with a  spray sanitiser that kills 99.9% bacteria and viruses.”

Worried about coming home after someone has spoken to you when not wearing a mask. Can you take a pill to kill the bacteria?

“No.  Nothing you can do for a ‘just in case’ situation.”

Will nostril hair stop the virus getting into my system?

“Again No, but one point here, never pull hairs out of your nose because you are pulling out the hair follicle and so punching a hole in your skin leaving no  protection against infection.”

Would a menthol product like Vick offer protection?

“Vick would open the airways and assist breathing but not kill the virus” 

When hand washing does it matter if the water is cold or hot? 

“Good question.  The virus surface is made up of proteins and fats so hot water and good soapy lather is important.  The point of washing for 30 seconds or so will make sure the virus coat is disrupted or destroyed and washed away and don’t forget to include your wrists.”

I bite my nails but I do scrub my hands on a regular basis

“Bad idea to bite your nails at any time or to put your fingers in your mouth,  pick your nose or rub your eyes.  Just don’t do it.”  

Easer said than done!

During the summer I was putting drops in my eyes when I had hay fever and I was amazed to find they trickled down the back of my throat so rubbing your eyes could afford a way for a virus to enter your body.  

Will putting groceries in the freezer kill any germs on the surface of food or packages?

“Some evidence that this will be effective but better be safe than sorry.  When you get your shopping home rub the surfaces down with a disinfectant spray.”

How long before symptom will begin to show?

“Three to seven days depending on the severity of the dose.  Any symptoms – sore throat, temperature, dry cough. loss of taste and smell, immediately consider isolating yourself in the house .  If these symptoms persist dial 111 and seek help.

Looking collectively over the UK, for every 1000 people who have tested positive, 650 won’t even know that they have been infected, the rest will feel unwell, some will need to go to hospital and sadly some eventually will die.

If caught early can it be treated.? 

“In some cases. Once identified there could be some intervention with steroid  and anti-inflammatory treatment, this is being tested at the moment.

Are vitamins any good for prevention

“These are important in boosting the immune system to fight the virus especially Vitamins C and D and zinc.”

Should I get the flu vaccination?

“Yes.  Without protection the body is open to infections so the flu jab is important.”

Professor Shaw keeps coming back to the basics, washing hands, sanitising, face masks and social distancing. “These without doubt offer the best chance of avoiding the virus.  We are working on antibody testing to determine if someone has had the infection and when we see that figure we will know exactly how dangerous it is.  We’ve a lot to learn but progress is steadily being made.”

Please God.


Next Wednesday is D day – Derry comes to life again for the 2020 choir extravaganza but this year with a twist. Between Wednesday and Sunday 25th October The City of Derry International Choir Festival comes from all over the place which is the beauty of an online production. Anna Read filled in the details:

There’s something for everyone to engage with in this virtual festival: You’ll see children from a variety of schools gathering to share a gorgeous rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ on Wednesday, listen to the heavenly choral sounds of world-leading vocal ensemble Tenebrae in a sparkling evening of choral works streamed from London’s serene St Stephen Walbrook Church on Saturday, enjoy leading Irish a cappella group, Ardú, interpret famous songs by David Bowie, Daughter and Bill Withers all performed from the exquisite setting of The Glassworks in Derry and presented virtually on Friday and hear an inspiring, life-affirming new composition by Belfast’s Composer Laureate Brian Irvine on Thursday.”

I’m looking forward to young post-primary school children who will join together to sing ‘Amazing Grace’, and a 350-strong virtual chorus made up of singers worldwide who will perform ‘Danny Boy’’, conducted by world-renowned composer Bob Chilcott. 

Audiences will be able to watch most of the free-to-view virtual concerts and events on City of Derry International Choir Festival’s Face Book Page 


Hats off to Breezy Willow Kelly who had the vision to inspire the world

Thanks to Breezy Saturday 24th October is when we should be promoting  peace in a very special way.

This lady from Glenties Co. Donegal, a baker and story maker, started a worldwide movement two years ago and it has taken off, International Bake Bread Day for Peace is a challenge to all of us and there’s time to go out, buy your ingredients and get your family and friends round to bake. 

Breezy had a difficult growing up, sad and painful and the only place she felt secure was in the kitchen when her mother was baking bread.  “She was a master baker and the smell of freshly baked bread was the aroma of peace, the smells of freshly baking bread hugged me and I felt safe.  And now I want this aroma of peace to fill the world.” 

She explains it began when she woke up early one beautiful July morning and couldn’t get back to sleep.  “I got up went down the stairs, filled the kettle and because I hadn’t seen the news for days I turned on the television to catch up.  I was floored by what I saw, disasters, wars, sadness and despair.  Even before the kettle came to the boil my happy mood immediately changed and I felt fear.  I was frightened about the world both at home and round the world.  We’re all concerned about what’s happening globally, makes you feel you should be doing something about it but what can you do?   Seems you can do nothing.  So you do nothing.”

But then, as she thought about it sitting in the kitchen of her Donegal home, she realised perhaps there is something we could do.  “Breaking bread is the universal sign of peace. I though, you know maybe we could get a few heads together to organise something so I posted the thought on my Facebook later that morning and the response I got lead to the creation of an international day. ‘ 

Breezy decided to take to the roads with her message and she hitched lifts to Northern Ireland with her little dog Sheila and knocked on a few doors and was welcomed in.   “I encouraged my hosts to invite friends, neighbours and family around and we had an evening of baking, singing, storytelling and dancing and it has slowly spread. 

She was well received in Northern Ireland because she feels there is such a desire  here for peace.

So what does she want us to do? Obviously at the moment it’s not possible to invite people round for an evening of baking and talking as in other years but you can share with your ‘bubble’ for just practice for the day when we can all get together and switch off phones and put a sign on the door not to interrupt, share your kitchen and have some fun

” Share your baking where you can and tell people what it’s all about.  And if you can’t do it today, do it tomorrow or next week, just do it and keep doing it.”

And if you Bread Bread for Peace on Saturday take a picture and put it on Facebook.

For More info about “International Bake Bread for Peace Day” and pictures and recipes of bread posted by people from all around the world, visit:

and you can also contact Breezy at