In Denmark the law requires owners of large farmland to plant 5% of their flowering land for bees.

Thank you Alban for this information posted on Facebook

So Alex Salmon failed to get the support he expected during the elections in Scotland – hooray.

I always thought Bill Gates was perfect, a genius who changed the world, made a fortune and worked closely and happily with his wife. He gave away millions to charity and was respected by all. Sad that after 27 years together they are now getting a divorce. 27 years is a long time but they had some agreement to help them through – it’s referred to as ‘a monogamy exception’, in other words his bit on the side and wife gave her blessing. One long weekend a year with his ex-girl friend in her beach house. But according to therapist Jennifer Mann that’s grand but you must have clear guidelines. Communication is the key, she says and making space to explore new sexual fantasies or partners. Whether it be a weekend with another lover or a month of sexual freedom a year, agreeing on the exact terms of the exception is crucial. A lack of consensus could open you and your spouse up to problems with trust down the road, Mann said.

I bet!

Amanda Holden and Alison Hammond

Did you ever see, or hear, anything like I Can See Your Voice last night on BBC. It’s quite mesmerising, the panelists are the main event. There are three of them acting being impressed or horrified by the singing entrants but honestly, these three are awful. Jimmy Carr who laughs like bullfrog and looks into the middle distance with a puzzled expression, Amanda Holden who laughs like a drain and flicks her hair and Alison Hammond who goes beyond the pale. She’s a big lady who I imagine can’t sit with her legs together but to sit with them wide apart as she does is just awful. I guess she is trying to make her mark as a big girl with no hangups about her size but it’s not pretty.

And what about John Barrowman? He says running around exposing himself on the set of Dr. Who and other programmes is just to cheer people up and make them laugh. I doubt he succeeded. Maybe he’ll do it on ice next series!


A touch of class and a lesson in languishing!  Alice de Lancey, one of the notable courtesans of Paris painted by Carolus-Duran in 1877. 

Sports promotor Barry Hearn is retiring and looking back over 40 years as ‘Mr. Snooker’ he hasn’t had much of a good word to say about Alex Higgins, neither did the taxi driver who took me to the Cathedral July 2010 for Higgins funeral!  According to Hearn, Higgins was a ‘crazy man’, despite his fee he’d always be asking for money for his train fare, he’d be abusive to the crowd, even walk off before the tournament was ended.  He was a heavy drinker, smoker and gambler apparently lost £13,000 in one day betting on horses, that much we already know but one Belfast man’s memory goes way back to the beginning of the legend’s life.

John C Hewitt

Writer and historian John C Hewitt loved dancing and can rhyme off all the ballrooms in Belfast in the 60s but his proud boast is that he played snooker with Alex ‘Hurricane’ Higgins in the Jam Pot off Donegall Road when Higgins had to carry a wooden Guinness box to stand on and used a brush shaft tapered and chalked at the end..  “He’d challenge us for a shilling then he’d let you beat him. It would be double or quits and that would go on till about 10/- was in the pot and of course he won. But he was a lovely fella.”  

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Even Barry Hearn admits Higgins could charm the birds off the tree, “He was objectionable and wonderful.”  Nice epitaph. 


The past year has lulled many of us into a ‘stay at home’ relaxed, comfy chair state of mind when it’s difficult to remember what day it let alone the date!  Diaries to the ready, wouldn’t do to miss a payment because the end of the month has arrived far more quickly than anticipated.  

I understand there’s a new word in the lexicon – languishing.  Used to mean a lady in a floaty voile dress resting on a ‘chaise longue’ with a martini in one hand and a cigarette in holder in the other.  Now it means that time between being depressed  and in good form.  I think many of us no matter what age and the ease in lockdown are still languishing a lot!

“ Yes I’m pleased that lock down is lifting but it’s not for me.”  A surprising comment from a gentleman friend in his 70s.  Usually one to be out and about, loved his coffee mornings with his mates, made a point of getting involved in auctions both selling and buying so what’s the problem?

“To be honest, my self-confidence.  What was routine before, getting up and dressed, breakfast, a few phone calls and then out somewhere kept me alive but now I can’t get it together.  I was determined to walk every day and I did for a while then it became every two days and now I just don’t because it’s too much bother.”  

I began to ask around and found he’s typical of a lot of people, even much younger.  As one mother put it: “I’m anxious about my son going out with his mates buying beer and just sitting in a huddle somewhere.  He simply doesn’t think of the consequences.”

Peter told me that driving scares him now.  He hasn’t driven the car on a regular basis since last July.  “I know the mechanics but remembering the bus lanes, fitting into parking spaces, over taking, it’s all a bit foreign to me now.  I know that I’ll get used to it sooner rather than later so I’ll have to go on short journeys first.  I’m really annoyed with myself, I’m a good driver but just out of practice.”  In a similar vein Pauline says she has to psych herself up to do the things she used to do automatically when she was working. “I dread getting on a bus, even though I’ve had my two injections and I wear a mask, other people might not so I’d feel vulnerable.  It would be terrible to risk getting the virus after all the precautions I’ve taken.”   

Once the wave of enthusiasm is over I wonder will going into our towns to shop become an attractive experience once again?  We’ve been so used to staying local and the fact that so many high street shops have put up their shutters I suspect local will win.  When the restaurants open again (roll on) that will hopefully draw people in to meet up over lunch or an evening meal perhaps before going to a cinema or a theatre (roll on).  

When we consider the tragedy of India, whilst trying to help those desperate people in any way we can. we must not relax our guard at home.


Tony Blair  sports the au natural look

Confidence has to build and it will.  It’s been easy to forget to put on makeup, brush hair (look at Tony Blair), dress smartly in case someone calls – no one has been calling for so long.  Hairdressers and barbers are leading the way, they are run off their feet – a hair cut and set, a bit of colour, a short back and sides  and a good chat does wonders for the moral.  

Zoom calls have begun to wear thin unless for business purposes mainly because there’s been nothing much to say, few experiences to share, generally it opens with ‘how are you?’ and ends with ‘keep safe.’  Conversation skills will have to build again especially with very young children who haven’t been socialising with adults or even other children, thankfully visiting friends and relations is now becoming possible.  Soon, let’s hope, we’ll be free to meet face to face inside and out whilst still remembering to be ultra careful.

In the meantime, when anyone asks me how I am, I will reply with a flutter of my eyelashes “I’m just languishing.”