What a week of mixed emotion. At least for the Prime Minister it was positive when on Saturday he wed his girlfriend, she looked like Titania queen of the fairies and he could pass for Oberon. The pantomime dame that is Cummings giving the performance of his life and the very obvious way the government closed ranks against him but still the backlash will linger, they must have held their collective breathes.

Loosing a dear friend of a lifetime has been difficult but Harriet never wanted to live to an old age and we talked about it which is why I can come to terms with her death knowing such was her force of character, she will never leave those she loved and loved her. We had such fun and adventures, we celebrated the good and we shared the bad. I know she will rest in peace.

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The shenanigans at Stormont were another distraction and good luck to Arlene and her well deserved £125,000!

There was the beauty of the super moon mid week for me sadly only viewed in the pages of newspapers thanks to cloud cover, seems to always happen with eclipses, meteors and full moons. And then there’s the stupidity in my opinion of scrapping oral language exams in our schools. It’s the same as working from home for IT apprentices for instance, sitting in front of a computer screen learning the ropes but not getting the experience of communication with others. Seems like Belfast is awash with film crews, passing St. Peter’s church on the Antrim Road recently the hotel beside it was full of trucks and people walking around in strange costumes and the church the centre of action. On Friday St. James’ church further along the Antrim Road was surrounded by cherry pickers and actor ambulance men. It’s great to know that companies far and wide see the benefits of Northern Ireland in general and the willingness of people here to welcome them and get involved with bit parts.



Gwen Taylor is sitting on a bundle of state secrets.  In a box in her bedroom in London are papers that millions would like to lay hands on, “Weeks of material,” she tells me, “so I know a lot of the inside story but, sorry,  my lips are sealed!”

What are these papers?  

Scripts for forthcoming episodes of EastEnders, she knows what happens in the Queen Vic next week, what Phil gets up to, the future life of Mick and Linda.  

Actress Gwen Taylor

Her character, Vi Highway, arrived in the London Borough of Watford  earlier this month  in a cloud of colour and a voice dripping with sarcasm.  Already she has become very fond of her grandson Callum (Tony Clay) and his husband Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden) and the public has become very fond of Vi.

“The writing is so profession and the actors so good that I was genuinely moved as they exchanged vows at their wedding.”  At the wedding she scolded her grandson: “I see being a hoo-moo-sex-ual hasn’t stopped you slouching.”   The sharp sarcastic tongue has become a cult figure with a building fan club.  “I love my script, everyone knows a woman like Vi, a rude woman with no filter.”  She has a next door neighbour who apparently has a wonderful turn of phrase.  “Lynette next door promised the second coming last year and all we got was Covid.”

 The original 1984 cast of Duty Free Keith Barron, Gwen Taylor, Joanna Van Gyseghem and Neil Stacy

No stranger to television sit coms, Coronation Street as Anne Foster and well known for ITV long running programme Duty Free with Keith Barron, Gwen joined the cast of EastEnders in May of this year and in a short time has established Vi Highway of the platinum hair and the horn rimmed glasses  thoughtfully fitted with her own prescription lenses by the producer so she can check any last minute adjustments whilst on set.  “Sometimes there are cuts and sometimes if I feel the words don’t fit the character we discuss changes.”  

Tanya Franks (Rainie Highway) has become a good friend and Steve McFadden (Phil Mitchell) made her welcome.  “I was aware of the challenge ahead of me but he told me,  ‘once they get to know you they’ll love you’.  He put me at ease and assured me I’d settle and he was right I feel comfortable with the support of all the cast and crew.

It’s strange how many people will tell you they wouldn’t watch a soap opera.  Strange as this is where you’ll see the very best scripting, acting and current topics being aired.  

“Yes, some people said that to me when I told them my news of getting this part, I have to admit it brought me down.”   I bet they do watch and when they do they will soon be engaged with Vi and her family.  

Romance On Air

Graham Reid. photographer Hugh Russell.

Gwen has a special love for Northern Ireland.  She met, fell in love and married Belfast playwright Graham Reid after appearing in his BBC Billy plays, more recently she hit the headlines when she appeared in the Grand Opera House as Shirley Valentine and again in the Opera House three years ago when she played a feisty Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Ernest.   

“Graham admits he has some issues living with a bob-cut platinum blond instead of the dark haired beauty he was used to!  I was more Veronica Lake but my mother was salt and pepper and, as I was heading that way, I decided to see what would happen if I just went au natural. When I joined the cast of EastEnders Linda cut it into a good shape and when I have an outside shot in the Square she’s always around to comb it into position!” 

Gwen, a respected stage actress, says a theatre experience helps with discipline but it’s nothing like television where scenes can be recorded out of sequence rather than a beginning, middle and end.

“At the moment there are the additional restrictions because of Covid for instance everything is measured to make sure of distancing, I can’t hug my dear ‘soap’ grandsons and when talking to someone across a small table I’m actually not taking to a fellow actor but to a tennis ball on the end of a stick!”

It’s a very busy life for a lady in her early 80s.  Her husband insisted on a car to call for her each morning and returning at night otherwise it would be a tube! “When I get up at 6.15 a.m Graham is already downstairs and has prepared me boiled egg and toast so I go out on a full tummy!”

Her six month contract looks like being extended as Vi has already told her grandsons Stuart (Ricky Champ) and Callum she’s not going home after all and certainly she’s a shot of colour in the Square which has been a bit grey recently.  And talk about a back story! I understand there is a lot more to Vi than meets the eye – but that’s all in the box in Gwen’s bedroom!

Dara McAnulty Has Done It Again. 

This 16 year old schoolboy, who is autistic, was recently announced winner of the prestigious Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing British Book Awards 2020 with his Diary of a Young Naturalist.  His comment is worth reading and remembering:

So very proud! This is for every autistic kid who has been isolated and marginalised. Every kid who was/is bullied because they are different, because they are filled with wonder and joy for what fascinates them. Never hold back your true self. Never lose your joy. The youngest ever winner of a British Book Award (and I accepted it in my Shimna Integrated College school uniform) – this is for you guys too.”