I see the Coca-Cola truck is visiting us again. I find their commercial very annoying when, with all the bells and whistles, the vehicle approaches down the road and the villagers are out waiting and waving – and it drives straight past and into the twilight. Those poor children must be so disappointed. The Christmas ads are always fascinating, over indulgent in the most part, a waste of money mostly but sometime a little gem will appear. I love advertising on television and I look forward to assessing them again this year and marking them out of ten!

I have good news.  This will please everyone in the Belfast area as the Trust has a service that isn’t known by many and it’s called The Fragility Unit and it’s important.

Remember the days when granny or grandad was left sitting in the corner not contributing, sleeping a lot of the time, forgetting the obvious and wasting away?  ‘Dotage’ was the vision of old age years ago, it’s different now but only if you want to take advantage of help that’s on offer.

The word frailty is often used inaccurately, it doesn’t mean a lack of competence or an inability to live a full and independent life.  It actually describes someone’s overall resilience and how this relates to their ability to recover following health problems.

The Frailty Unit is based in Musgrave Park Hospital where parking is easy, you can be left off at the front door if necessary and there you will be met by a member of the team and welcomed in.

Sinead McDonald is Interim Service Manager at Meadowlands, Musgrave Park and she explained the background of the unit and what it offers.

“First and foremost you must be 75 and over, although those of 65-plus will be eligible when necessary, however, you must be referred by your doctor or by the emergency department of a hospital because you cannot self-refer.  You must be able to present yourself at the hospital as there is no transport available to and from the unit.”

What Does The Unit Offer?

It offers a more sensible and comfortable means of gaining help by keeping the older person away from the turmoil of accident and emergency departments where they might have to wait for several hours, often on their own, knowing that their medication is waiting at home and becoming stressed with the fear of what’s ahead.  

This is something of a one stop shop. You’ll get an appointment within 48 hours, your visit will usually take up to three hours during which time professionals will be available to talk to you, take tests and give advice and confidence.

For instance, taking and analysing blood samples, x-rays, be seen by a physiotherapist who will check you over and give ideas on having adaptions at home to help with safe movement and by a geriatrician who might discuss issues including depression, incontinence or memory loss.  About 45 minutes with each so no rushing through and during this time a treatment plan will be worked out and you will be invited back in a couple of weeks when the team will review your situation and will continue with a review until they are happy and you are discharged.

If you do indeed need to go to accident and emergency with some crisis you will of course be seen and treated, this service based at Musgrave Park is not for patients who are acutely unwell and need hospital treatment, rather it’s for patients who are clinically well enough to be ‘signposted’ to the Fragility Unit.

Such units are available in other Trusts and doctors should know about what’s available in your area so ask for details. I’ve been talking about the unit at Musgrave Park Hospital designed to relieve pressures on hospital emergency departments and make it a lot easier for the older person to gain fast access to a multi-discipline team.  One piece of advice I picked up when talking to Sinead is basic and easy. 

“Keep well hydrated, drink up to two litres a day, have a nutritious diet and make sure you keep walking.”  And speaking of the unit she added, “This is designed to assist our older citizens to see the right person in the right place at the right time to ensure a healthier and happier lifestyle.”

Who’d Of Thought

Anne I’ve an idea to pass on.  I got a mark on my carpet, biscuit colour, it really annoyed me.  Not a big mark but deep.  I tried to scrap it off with a razor –  I don’t recommend it – tried soap and water didn’t work, a carpet cleaner didn’t work. The only thing was could I disguise it in some way?  I was in the bathroom and I was looking at the toothpaste.  I took a little bit and rubbed it into the carpet and guess what, the mark didn’t show any more.  Thought I’d pass it on.  May.

You don’t recommend a brand which makes me think of the red cosmetic toothpaste we used to make our gums rosy so, in contrast, our teeth gleamed white!  I’m talking many years ago although it might still be on the market, I think it was called Gordon Moore although I had a boy friend of that name around about that time!  Thank you May, you brought back happy memories!